/Winding Down

Start-Up Spotlight

CLick here to go to Limerick Magazine for the full article ...

By | November 12th, 2017|Winding Down|Comments Off on Start-Up Spotlight

6 Tips to look After your Postpartum Body

By | August 4th, 2017|Winding Down|Comments Off on 6 Tips to look After your Postpartum Body

YOU Magazine March 2017

By | April 8th, 2017|In The Press, Winding Down|Comments Off on YOU Magazine March 2017

Tip for a healthy life Image Magazine

Here's me talking to Meg Walker for Image Magazine in April 2017, click here  

By | April 5th, 2017|In The Press, Winding Down|Comments Off on Tip for a healthy life Image Magazine

The Witching Hour Bye Bye

IMPORTANT ADVICE for new moms courtesy of Aoife Burke who may have changed my life! I know it's dramatic but some will understand [...]

By | March 6th, 2017|Winding Down|Comments Off on The Witching Hour Bye Bye

Breastfeeding … a pain in my neck

On Wednesday I could feel the headache coming, the niggle was moving up my upper back and into my neck. By Wednesday evening [...]

By | January 22nd, 2017|Winding Down|Comments Off on Breastfeeding … a pain in my neck

Sample Birth Plan

Here is the birth plan I did up after completing my Hypno-birthing course. It was what I wanted IDEALLY but I learned quickly [...]

By | January 19th, 2017|Winding Down|Comments Off on Sample Birth Plan

Let me introduce you to your pelvic floor part 1

I can say the words pelvic floor until I am blue in the face and people will still look at me with this look [...]

By | January 18th, 2017|Winding Down|Comments Off on Let me introduce you to your pelvic floor part 1

Maternity Hospital Bag Essentials

So this time 3 weeks ago I was double checking that my hospital bag was packed and ready to go. It is recommend thought [...]

By | January 18th, 2017|Winding Down|Comments Off on Maternity Hospital Bag Essentials

Brand Spotlight Sweaty Betty

A very cool graphic designer in London old me about this brand about a year ago and I have been a fan since. [...]

By | August 12th, 2016|Winding Down|Comments Off on Brand Spotlight Sweaty Betty
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