A Pilates programme either in a private coaching session or a specialist postnatal Pilates class can be an excellent option. It focuses on dealing with issues, which may have arisen during pregnancy and the safest exercises to be doing to help you build strength from the inside out. It’s about reconnecting with the woman you were and embracing the woman you have become. However, exercise for the new mum can be complex. You need to consider so much before you start back. You need to know when it is safe and appropriate to start exercising and which type of exercise will yield the best results for recovery and healing, and then building strength from the onside out.

First and foremost you need to have doctors clearance and must be checked for diastasis recti (a separation of the abdominal muscles) as this will determine what you can and cannot do postpartum, i.e. planks and any abdominal crunches. If you have constant backache this may be making it worse. If you have had an episiotomy you need to know was it a 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree tear and also how it is healing. If you had a C-section you should be aware that you cannot join most (and should not) fitness classes until after 12 weeks. If you have had a vaginal delivery you will have a weakened pelvic floor and need to address this seriously so as to avoid incontinence in the future. If you are breastfeeding the relaxin hormone stays in your body for up to 4 months after you stop, which means you need to be careful about how far you are stretching, so as not to hyperextend and injure yourself. If you are still bleeding, have low or high blood pressure, SI joint disorders or any other issues you should not put pressure on yourself to partake in high impact or strenuous exercise and must be monitored by your doctor.

You will need to address your posture because you will be seated feeding a lot or you may be leaning over the cot every night, which can lead to rounded shoulders, and also bad standing habits may develop i.e. picking up baby, carrying baby on one hip which may cause imbalances in your movement patterns and lead to discomfort or pain in different parts of the body.

You need to be aware how the lack of sleep affects your body and mind and again realistic expectations are a saving grace here because expecting too much is unhealthy. Stress is a serious condition for new and seasoned moms.

Nutrition is hugely important in the postnatal period as we often suffer from postnatal constipation; hormone imbalances, poor gut health and we often make bad food choices because we have no time or are just to tired to look after ourselves. Hydration is so important also. We need to think about replenishing our bodies with nutrients to give us energy and help with our body’s healing.

Leonie is so passionate about this space. Having had a perfectly healthy pregnancy in 2013, in the postnatal period Leonie suffered diastasis recti, hyperthyroid and rapid weight loss, then hypothyroid that led to weight gain, further leading to poor gut health, gastroenteritis, sluggish digestion and psoriasis. The postnatal period shocked her system. On a positive note this led her to her advanced training with the UK’s populist voice in women’s health, Jenny Burrell. Leonie is both a pre and postnatal Pilates specialist and has qualified as fitness profession specialising in postnatal core restore exercise programming, with the additional certification in optimal nutrition for postnatal recovery and healing. Leonie knew there were women like her who need good information on exercise and nutrition and safe classes that are specific to this life stage. With her personal mantra of ‘here to learn, compelled to think, obliged to share, Leonie is continually updating her knowledge in this area to better serve and inform her clients.